Here it is! The latest release from Sharron McClellan my snarkiest friend and critique partner!
Athena Academy’s darkest nemesis is gunning for her, but USMC Combatant Diver Jessica Whittaker is not easily intimidated. Without thinking twice, she volunteers to do anything to help bring down the school’s deadliest enemy.
Her assignment: an expeditionary mission aboard a sunken ship.
Salvaging for clues on an abandoned vessel should have been simple. But a hostile force—and an unbelievably handsome diving buddy—have turned up the heat. If Jess ever wants to set foot on dry land again she’ll have to contend with her enemy—and her lover—or risk revealing her deepest secret.
And if you're really daring, check out angryromancegrrl! Congrats to the winner of the angryromancegrrl contest for the snarkiest remark to someone who is dissing romance.
The Comment: Someone turns up their nose, curls their lip and sniffs, "I don't read romance"
Winner Jodi's comment back: "I guess the cereal box takes too long to finish."
All the entries were fabulous and tough, tough tough to judge. I'm telling you, they were brutal! But all were worthy of praise...gotta love a woman who can deal snark. Good job to everyone that entered!